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Melissa Estes

A Fredericksburg, Texas resident since 2008 and mother of three daughters, Melissa has been showing publicly in galleries and art shows since the late 1990s . Melissa spends her time mothering the youngest of her daughters, working full time as an interior designer, a colorist, and painting large abstracts filled with subtle and subconscious messages with inspirational impact.

"Of all the many hats I have worn through out my life, and what fills my soul the most, other than motherhood, is the pleasure and fulfillment I get from painting. When I am painting, I go into an almost meditative state, where time and reality just slip away. What appears on the canvas is a result and expression of those mini, meditative journeys I engage in while I am painting.”

“Yet, there was a time when I was painting out of necessity. The old adage, ‘necessity is the mother of invention’ , certainly applied to some of my early paintings. In the late 90s and early 2000s, I recall unsuccessfully searching for contemporary art for my design clients. I just could not find the right look with the right price point, so I pulled out my paints and just started painting what my clients and I envisioned, in their particular spaces, in their homes. It was a win-win! I’ve always hoped that my abstracts would be received in the same spirit in which they are painted because, only through my Creator, is it my pleasure to create them.”